Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Hatin' It

It has been rough today. I thought for sure the scale would reward me with at least a three pound weight loss, but nothing. Not one ounce. I was pretty good Monday through Friday. I was good most the day Saturday, but then had a big dinner with my in-laws. Still, I didn't think I did poorly enough to still not lose weight this week. I also had a nice dinner on Sunday with friends, and treated myself to three cookies. You wouldn't think that would be enough to undo a week's worth of serious exercise of almost an hour per day (at least 600 calories a workout).

At least I didn't go up. And I'm still committed, even though I'm slightly depressed. I know the formula works, and eventually, I will start dropping. You don't know how tempted I am to go out and buy Slim-Quick to see if it won't jump start my weight loss goals. I still might.

I'm also doing better at working more hours. I make myself a goal of hours at the beginning of the week, and give it to my boss to hold me accountable. I'm shooting for three hours a day, and I've done pretty good with that. If I keep to that goal, we should be in good shape to pull ourselves out of debt by next year. I'll give you the Dave Ramsey shout out when it happens.

Friday, January 9, 2009


I have found these things self-evident:
  • It's easier for me to stay on the diet in the morning, but it gets progressively harder until night time. So far, I've still done well.
  • I drink a lot of Pero with Splenda to stave off my hunger.
  • The fourth day is when things get a little tougher; the cravings can overpower the will. I had four Hershey's Kisses. Not too bad. I consider it the treat I deserved for running four miles.
  • I bought myself some Slim-Fast chocolate bars when the urgings just get too great. They're delicious and only 120 calories. But you can only eat one, which is okay.
  • I envision myself on a beach in California looking my best in a bathing suit. We're planning a trip to Disneyland with some unused American Express miles Kulani's been collecting since his work pays for all bills using his card, and he gets the points.
  • I'm feeling great.