So did anyone else get the Valentine's package from Mom and Dad? Or are we the lucky ones? And if you did, did your kids get the DVD and CD package? If so, do you remember these faces?
The DVD has a bunch of songs on it and most of them come from the Sharon, Lois and Bram show. Minnie loves it and Cindy probably remembers the show. Sadly though, no "Skinnamarinky dink a dink..."
Well, I've fallen off the weight watching wagon because I keep stuffing my face to keep from throwing up... that's right, I'm pregnant. I'm only 6w5d along but the morning (all day) sickness has already started. Because I know how awful it was with Minnie, I'm dreading the next seven weeks or so, so much that it has me in tears. I go to bed upset at night, knowing I'm going to have to wake up and do the "yuckies" all day the next day. You'd think work would keep my mind off of it, but it doesn't. Please pray that I can deal with the sickness -- it has me seriously depressed -- maybe so much so because everytime I get sick, I pee my pants. Yuck!