Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Wednesday Weigh-In

So, the blog has been silent for a couple of weeks. Things here have been steady. No ups or downs.

Highlight of the day -- the ladies in my Relief Society sent me a bouquet of flowers at work. I must say the women in my ward rock.

Let us in on our challenges and successes this week.


Morkthefied said...

I love hearing from my sista's, even if we haven't been keeping up on our lifestyle goals. I just weighed myself and the bad news is, I'm up 3 pounds. I haven't been dedicated at all, so I'm getting back to it. I have a date with the treadmill. Valentine's Day hasn't been good for me. Time to kick it back into gear. much love, Sista Sin-D.

Amo said...

I didn't even bother to weigh the past two weeks because I know how sad it will be. I have been exercising, however, so I keep thinking when I really start to diet I might be able to make good headway because I at least have a pattern of exercise. Nate and I are taking a little anniversary trip this weekend to LA to see Wicked and to see a Jazz/Clippers game. After that, I PROMISE -- I'LL START MONDAY!

MarySquare said...

Amy, that trip sounds Awesome! I heard that Wicked is a very good show, I know Betty from Ugly Betty likes it. Have fun!